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VoIP Detective 1.9

We’ve made some impressive changes to this build, namely the addition of “tailored reports”. Now you can easily schedule reports to be emailed to you, directly from the search page.

  • new – CUBE Analytics now allows an admin to search by specific Q.850 error code
  • new – Admins can now run the Range Summary as a scheduled report.
  • new – Admins can now export all managers and their configured extensions in one report.
  • new – ability for customers to directly access the VoIP Detective database. Using MySQL commands, customers can directly query the MariaDB Database. More information :
  • new – ‘team wallboards’ are introduced. teams will now be pulled from uccx, and the associated CSQs and agents (with states) displayed on a wallboard.
  • new – ability to filter out transferred calls from the team and inbound call reports. Blind transfer calls often show as unanswered, the allows these to be filtered out.
  • new – “tailored reports” have been added to all calls, busy hour, inbound, outbound, and team searches.
  • new – all calls, Inbound, and team searches may now be limited to open hours. For example, show calls for last week between 8am and 5pm.
  • new – Portuguese translation added
  • new – Average inbound and outbound call time added to the team search
  • new – CUBE search allows exporting to CSV, PDF, and XLSX
  • new – export of the inbound call search in xlsx format now includes more information about additional call legs.
  • fix – error when disabling clickjacking in the command line interface
  • fix – error when setting up a proxy during installation.
  • fix – Calls to extension “0” would not display correctly
  • fix – error in column formatting when running “inbound call report” as a scheduled report
  • fix – error in admin export when filtering calls from internal sources
  • fix – error when updating license end date for offline licenses
  • fix – error during CDR import when the originalCalledPartyNumber is not numeric (i.e. calling a conference bridge that like “b0011648098000”)
  • fix – ssl certificate installation now verifies the file type

VoIP Detective 1.8

New in VoIP Detective 1.8 is our Range Summary report. Along with this new report comes a host of updates and bugfixes.

  • features added:11
  • bugs fixed:19
  • new – Range Summary Report has been introduced. You can now search for summary information from a range of numbers on one report.
  • new – Endpoint Utilization can accommodate larger (>1000 devices) installations now, and includes an improved export system.
  • new – ability in the CLI to delete all SSL certificates.
  • new – gateway utilization offers the option to display data in table format
  • new – outbound call report allows for the calling userid to be displayed. Useful identifying who placed a call from a shared line.
  • new – emergency alerts can key off of either original, or final called party number. Useful if running Cisco Emergency Responder, or otherwise translating emergency calls.
  • new – scheduled reports that are created by the administrator can be sent to multiple email addresses.
  • new – user management – remove multiple users from a manager at one time.
  • new – admin and inbound searches have the ability to display the mobility / single number reach phone that answered the call.
  • new – command line script allows for diffie-hellman support in SSH. This allows older CUCM servers to connect to VoIP Detective using insecure protocols. Disabled by default and must be manually enabled.
  • new – wallboard has the ability to show oldest call in queue
  • fix – error when trying to disable admin cron messages
  • fix – missing headers on team summary export
  • fix – error in chart building when team member calls = 0
  • fix – error in gateway stat count resolved.
  • fix – cli option to create missing directories.
  • fix – error with date selection on admin search
  • fix – wallboard time format would shift between 5 and 6 digits.
  • fix – adding new wallboard generates error
  • fix – user management page would hang if >3000 users
  • fix – error when enabling user signup
  • fix – error in scheduled reports when an extension contains special characters.
  • fix – missing column header when exporting the inbound call report
  • fix – link to error calls in the admin dashboard would not lead to the correct timeframe
  • fix – system usage search was showing multiple legs of a call as separate calls.
  • fix – error updating admin email
  • fix – total system usage would miscalculate international calls in certain circumstances
  • fix – error when changing end user email address
  • fix – error in total system usage for older installations
  • fix – team and inbound reports may underreport calls going to voicemail if using SCCP integration wiht CUC
  • improvement – Tempus Dominus updated
  • improvement – Bootstrap updated
  • improvement – Jquery updated
  • improvement – fontawesome updated

VoIP Detective 1.7

VoIP Detective version 1.7 is now available for download, free of charge. In this version of the best call reporting for Cisco Callmanager, we introduce CUBE analytics, Endpoint utilization and more!

  • features added:8
  • bugs fixed:14
  • new – CUBE Analytics introduced. VoIP Detective can now read CDRs produced by CUBE. This means that you’ll have insight on calls that never make it to CUCM. These could be calls that are rejected, or go to systems other than CUCM. More information
  • new – Endpoint Usage introduced. VoIP Detective can show the last time each device / endpoint in CUCM made a call. With this, you’ll be able to isolate phones that are not used, possibly lowering your needed license count. More information
  • new – names are now shown on the team pie charts (both in scheduled reports, and in the GUI.
  • new – team summary report now includes average time to answer, as well as longest time to answer (both GUI searches and scheduled reports).
  • new – improvements to the display names interface allows admins to modify existing users
  • new – montoring and alerting of CDR delivery on a per node basis. You can select specific CUCM nodes to monitor for CDR delivery.
  • new – Busy hour search now offers the ability to filter zero second calls
  • new – administrators have the ability to disable browser auto-complete for the login password field
  • fix – hardened login and forgot password scripts to prevent SQL injection.
  • fix – Zero second calls properly filtered on inbound call search
  • fix – LDAP users fail to be added because ‘field ‘ldapUsername’ doesn’t have a default value’
  • fix – siteUrl fails to update in certain circumstances.
  • fix – team summary showed a column mismatch
  • fix – remote ftp backups were broken
  • fix – error when setting the from address in configuration
  • fix – error in search-all that caused formatting issues for french users
  • fix – error that prevented modal popups for user-management and other pages
  • fix – admin dashboard graph failed when using french language
  • fix – Display names – manual entry would not reset the “cucm synced” flag
  • fix – error when uploading SSL certificate
  • fix – error that prevents setting mail authentication flag
  • fix – wallboard creation would fail when using special characters
  • improvement – account login screen reflects when login is successful.
  • improvement – AXL sync improvements
  • improvement – fontawesome 6.2.1
  • improvement – bootstrap 5.2

VoIP Detective 1.6

Version 1.6 of the worlds best CDR tool for Cisco Callmanager users is now available. You’ll find many new features, as well as a collection of bugfixes. Please take a moment to watch our Youtube video for more details.

  • features added:11
  • bugs fixed:8
  • new – LDAP authentication is now supported. Users can either authenticate against the internal VoIP Detective database, or against a single LDAP server.
  • new – Emergency alerts can be sent out according to patterns. For example, calls from 33XXX extensions can alert and 44XXX extensions can alert
  • new – malicious call alerts – if a call is flagged as malicious, the admin will receive an email.
  • new – uccx wallboard now allows for multiple user selected queues. Previously, only a single queue, or all queues could be chosen, now a wallboard with a subset of queues can be created.
  • new – admins can now import CDR files manually. This is useful for importing large files, like a CUCM CDR export.
  • new – ability to disable insecure ciphers through the CLI (-SSLv2 -SSLv3 -TLSv1 -TLSv1.1 -DES -3DES)
  • new – team report now shows the average time to answer for all calls that do not go to voicemail.
  • new – call termination codes have been translated to French and Spanish
  • new – admin search allows searches by MAC or Device ID
  • new – CUCM AXL sync offers the option of including end user mobile number, and matching display names based on this data.
  • new – users and administrator can run scheduled reports on demand
  • fix – error when performing a team search using invalid voicemail pilot
  • fix – error in busy hour search when looking for non-numeric characters
  • fix – adding users to VoIP Detective would fail
  • fix – improvements to how call recordings are processed. Admins can choose to filter calls to a recording server (these calls could inflate the number of calls shown in reports)
  • fix – configuration error that prevented saving of the backup ftp username
  • fix – busy hour search – clicking on the details button would not take you to the correct results
  • fix – all calls search – in some instances, zero second inbound calls were not reflected correctly
  • fix – seconds were missing from call start time in admin,calling,cmc,and team exports
  • improvement – bootstrap upgraded to 4.6
  • improvement – configuration page no longer requires a reload to save multiple values

VoIP Detective 1.5

VoIP Detective 1.5 is now available with an amazing array of new features and bugfixes. Cisco call reporting is now easier than ever with our 1.5 release. All searches have received a complete rewrite, and include beautiful graphs. Please take a moment to watch our Youtube video for more details.

  • features added:18
  • bugs fixed:14
  • new – inbound call search export now includes call leg information
  • new – admin search can query for calls with a duration greater than X seconds, less than X seconds, or a combination of both
  • new – cliadmin allows you to enable or disable FTP, HTTP, and SSH (requires OS level 2.4 or higher).
  • new – “all calls” search has improved graphs
  • new – support for CUCM bug code (-1560281087) that showed in some customer records.
  • new – database reorg to improve speed
  • new – sftp remote backups are now supported.
  • new – admin dashboard groups like device types
  • new – system status page will show when the last record was received from each CUCM node
  • new – CLI option to repair Apache in the event it does not start
  • new – when processing errors occur stats will be recreated and processing reviewed
  • new – PRO users can add display names via a CSV import (in addition to manually, or via AXL sync)
  • new – user management improvements to copying managers
  • new – PDF and XLSX exports now include total number of calls
  • new – admin and all call reports now have the option to show the CUCM end user associated with each call
  • new – added new charts to calling and called searches
  • new – CLI offers the option to disable TLS 1.0 and 1.1
  • new – warning message is displayed if visiting VoIP Detective from any url other than the configured site url.
  • fix – “all calls” search performed by an admin would fail on any page other than page 1
  • fix – team search grouped by days produced formatting errors
  • fix – ability to disable SSL verification when updating the OS. This is useful for those using their own certificates.
  • fix – bug that prevented the filename in step 4 of the certificate upload from showing
  • fix – yum disable SSL verification error
  • fix – display name manual input sanitizes special characters
  • fix – resolved SSL cert issue where SANs were not being included
  • fix – searching for “today” under defined dates could leave out most recent calls in certain scenarios
  • fix – inconsistencies in admin search when using predefined dates (not all variables were passed correctly)
  • fix – searching for “is exactly” would fail using a mask (i.e. 42XXX)
  • fix – yum update would reset directory permissions, preventing future upgrades
  • fix – admin and inbound call exports could report incorrect call leg counts
  • fix – error that caused an incorrect license end date to display
  • fix – error when using an external prefix of 0 on config and search-usage pages
  • improvement – optimization around the way the admin stats are built.
  • improvement – Instead listing out every individual BOT, CSF, TCT, TAB, ATA, and UCCX device on the admin dashboard, they are now grouped together. By clicking on them group you can drill down. Please note the links on the admin dashboard may need up to 24 hours to rebuild.
  • improvement – changes to hourly cron to make it more efficient.
  • improvement – chart.js has been upgraded to improve line charts

VoIP Detective 1.4

VoIP Detective 1.4 is making it’s grand debut! It not only offers the usual bugfixes and tweaks, but also some exciting new features! Administrations can choose to have VoIP Detective displayed in English, Spanish, or French. The “Network Quality Search” will allow you to search for calls that have excessive packet loss, jitter, or latency. Another popular introduction is the improvement of the team search – both the GUI, as well as the export offer new options.

  • features added:13
  • bugs fixed:18
  • new – Ability for the administrator to choose between English, Spanish, and French languages.
  • new – “Network Quality Search” added, to allow admins to search for calls with excessive jitter, latency, or packet loss.
  • new – admin and inbound search have the ability to search for “NULL” – this will return calls where there is no callingPartyNumber as reported by CUCM (AKA anonymous calls).
  • new – added option to filter zero second inbound and outbound calls on the team search report
  • new – SAN (Subject Alternative Name) added to SSL certificates
  • new – Improvements to remote backup system. FTP backups can now be scheduled for daily / weekly / monthly.
  • new – Team search now links directly to inbound, outbound and voicemail searches.
  • new – User registration system now offers the ability to resend a user’s activation email.
  • new – Improvements to the total system usage report. You can now see examples of the calls in each classification.
  • new – Administrator now has the option to use “contains, is exactly, begins, and ends with” when using the All Calls Search.
  • new – axlsync.log added to increase debugging for OS version 2.6 and above. Older OS versions will output into the error.log
  • new – support for 2 CUCM bug codes (-1493172161, and -1577058283) that were showing up in customer records.
  • new – admin XLSX and CSV exports include call leg information (PRO only)
  • fix – Busy hour scheduled report would fail
  • fix – Outbound call search would fail when configuration for multiple voicemail pilots
  • fix – Gateway device list now filters out ‘BOT’,’TCT’, and ‘TAB’ devices.
  • fix – When selecting not to show zero second calls on the team report, that setting is carried over when viewing a team member details.
  • fix – Size of pie chart increased to allow for longer extensions
  • fix – When adding a VoIP Detective user, and conflicting emails will be identified and relayed to the admin
  • fix – Additional sanitation when adding users (i.e. new “u’ser” will no longer throw errors)
  • fix – CMR details failed to show the codec used by a call
  • fix – When using a mask, admin search exports would include all calls.
  • fix – Error that prevented CMR.txt files from being imported properly
  • fix – Cron would kill the import process after 20 minutes. This has been increased to 180 minutes
  • fix – Error in outbound call report when searching for calls with 0 duration.
  • fix – Improvements to the import process when cdrs with errors are encountered.
  • fix – Search now allows for a + sign in the extension. For example, extension +3334442222 is now valid, and the + is no longer stripped.
  • fix – Error in inbound call search when using “Only unanswered or went voicemail”
  • fix – Improvements to the STARTTLS email routine.
  • fix – Improvements to the GUI sorting of columns
  • fix – Admin export groups calls by call leg

VoIP Detective 1.3

Break out the confetti and horns! VoIP Detective has just released the best, most feature rich version, 1.3 We have received countless feature suggestions from our favorite users and have been working around the clock to put together this latest and greatest VoIP Detective version. From hourly call summaries, a greater technical breakdown and squishing any of those pesky bugs…version 1.3 has a little something for everyone.

One of the most popular new features are the ability to export, or schedule a “Team Summary” report, meaning that you can receive in PDF, CSV, or XLSX format, a summary list of your team calls.  Another popular addition is the ability to pull a team report grouped by days.  This way you can quickly see how many interactions there were for each team member on each day.  Another big addition is a busy hour graph.  You can quickly and easy see calls that were missed, answered, and placed when pulling a busy hour report.

Admins will love some of these new additions – both PRO and Free users can now search by mask in the admin search.  If you’d like to know about calls from 42500 and 42600, you can just pull an admin search for 42XXX.  Everyone in that range will show up in the report.

  • bugs fixed:10
  • features added:20
  • new – team search adds the option to show call totals by day
  • new – inbound call report shows all users who interacted with a call
  • new – admin now has the ability to update a user’s email address
  • new – team search panel shows all extensions that are part of a manager’s team
  • new – troubleshooting page allows admins to easily download all logs for support.
  • new – VD-55 – busy hour reports can now be exported.
  • new – all call search now includes the “type” field (in, out, other) in the export
  • new – busy hour report includes abandoned calls
  • new – busy hour report includes graph (includes total, answered, abandoned, voicemail and outbound calls).
  • new – busy hour graph can be scheduled (includes graph and report in email).
  • new – graphs added to admin search
  • new – inbound search now includes the original called number.
  • new – graphs added to inbound search
  • new – CDR and CMR files are no longer deleted, but instead are stored in a compressed files (.tar).
  • new – ability to place an archive (.tar file) into the /incoming folder, and have those CDRs extracted and read by VoIP Detective. This allows for re-importing of CDRs should the need arise.
  • new – Team report now offers the ability for the manager to be included or excluded from the report.
  • new – Admin search includes refinements to the gateway search. Choose to search where gateway is originating, destination, or both.
  • new – Team summary reports. Reports (both on-demand and scheduled can be generated that show summary information.
  • new – Improvements to how MOS, Jitter, Latency, and other CMR data is displayed to the administrator (inside of call legs).
  • new – Admins can now search by mask (i.e. search for 456X or 45XX or 4XXX) in order to report on a range of numbers
  • fix – team search improperly classified calls from a handset to voicemail as outbound calls.
  • fix – admin search would fail when using multiple internal extension lengths.
  • fix – VD-62 – When using multiple extension lengths, filtering out internal calls may fail.
  • fix – team search export misclassified calls when “internal calls” filter was activated
  • fix – for users not using NANP, total system usage would misclassify calls
  • fix – when using admin search and filters (i.e. search by gateway) the exported search did not retain the filters.
  • fix – columns mislabeled in outbound report export
  • fix – admin search and inbound search had shown transferred calls as two separate calls
  • fix – admin search capped at 2,000,000 raw results (to prevent out of memory errors)
  • fix – error on admin search when looking for only internal calls, and using multiple extension lengths

VoIP Detective 1.2

This version of our call reporting software makes it much easier to identify which calls have been handled, abandoned, or went to voicemail. This includes calls to hunt groups, end users, call centers, or any device in your organization. You’ll find numerous bug-fixes, along with minor improvements.

Thank you to everyone who has suggested the features and bug-fixes that have been rolled into this update. We love feedback from our users!

* Please note that there are database changes in this version, and larger deployments may require hours to update. VoIP Detective will not be usable until the database update completes.

  • bugs fixed:12
  • features added:9
  • new – added call connect time to inbound call report
  • new – added “unanswered” and “abandoned” notifications to inbound call report
  • new – added total unanswered calls to team report
  • new – improvements to the “Total Usage” search to better accommodate E164 / Non-North American dial plans)
  • new – option to sync user data from a third CUCM cluster
  • new – improved behavior when scheduled reports are attempted and mail is disabled
  • new – ability to install SSL certificates (new VM deployment is required). More information can be found here : Installing a SSL certificate
  • new – improvements to the “test email” process
  • new – Pro users can filter the admin search by specific cause codes
  • fix – removed zero second call search option from inbound call report (caused conflicts and confusion).
  • fix – error when busy hour search is done without search target
  • fix – added new CUCM call error codes to error code database
  • fix – when changing passwords in the configuration, the password was displayed one time on the screen.
  • fix – CUCM AXL sync fails when an SSL cert is installed on the CUCM cluster.
  • fix – grammar mistakes on main page
  • fix – changed destCause_value and origCause_value to accept larger integers. This database change will make for a lengthy upgrade process for some customers
  • fix – adjustments to the daily cron to prevent failures
  • fix – database indexes now rebuild once a month, instead of every day.
  • fix – database deletions were capped at 10000 a day. This was not enough for large installations, and has been rasied to 500000
  • fix – fixed error with “delete duplicate call records” routine
  • fix – backup to remote FTP server would fail
  • update – bootstrap from 4.5.0 to 4.5.3
  • update – bootstrap-table from 1.17.1 to 1.18.0
  • update – moment.js from 2.26.0 to 2.29.1

VoIP Detective 1.102

CUCM user data synchronization is here! Now your call reports will not only include the extension (i.e 2345) associated with a call, but also the user’s name (i.e. 2345 – Bugs Bunny).
Using a read-only connection from VoIP Detective to Cisco Call Manager, PRO users can pull user data from their CUCM installation into VoIP Detective (populating the Display Name fields).
This data pull will allow your reports to show the name of the of the CUCM end user associated with that telephone number.

Information on how to setup this CUCM sync can be found here: Synchronizing data between CUCM and VoIP Detective

In addition to this huge step forward for VoIP Detective, we’ve also made many small improvements and bugfixes. VoIP Detective has come a long way from its humble beginnings!

  • bugs fixed:9
  • features added:3
  • new – CUCM Data Sync Added
  • new – VD-56 – Inbound reports do not easily reflect when a call is not answered.
  • new – More display names added to user management to make dialog boxes more readable.
  • fix – Error that caused admin search to filter out valid results
  • fix – Error when no emergency number is specified.
  • fix – CDR Import error when user has apostrophe in name or email.
  • fix – VD-51 – Space in the search field causes problems
  • fix – VD-53 – Global Managers show wrong extension in user management
  • fix – VD-52 – Global Managers receive “not authorized” errors when logging in
  • fix – Update to the way the Admin Dash shows error legs
  • fix – Admin search misses calls when calls do not connect and various fields are NULL. This shows more error calls in the admin search.
  • fix – Display Names only appear on the first page of a search
  • update – improvements to the update and licensing systems

VoIP Detective 1.025

Scheduled Reports are now active. This is a huge upgrade on the previous automated (email) reports available to PRO users. All PRO users and administrators can choose what report to send, what time of day it should be sent, and the frequency. The admin can even schedule reports for other users, or those without VoIP Detective accounts. Another addition for our PRO users in 1.025 is a Busy Hour Report, where we look at calls to an extension, and summarize them into one hour increments. Easily tell when are your most and least busy hours.

  • bugs fixed:5
  • features added:5
  • new – Scheduled Reports are now available. You can now choose when you’d like reports delivered, and what information should be contained in them.
  • new – Busy Hour Reports are now available. View calls to an extension, broken into one hour increments (i.e. 100 calls at 10am, of which 95 were answered, and 5 went to voicemail).
  • new – Added troubleshooting option to delete duplicate call records from database
  • new – Display names added to drop-downs on search page
  • new – Inbound call report now shows connect time, disconnect time, and time to answer in the export
  • fix – fix to scheduled report that erroneously filtered out calls.
  • fix – Change to cronImport that prevents import loops and cronImport from getting stuck activated.
  • fix – VD-28 Allow for names to be displayed instead of extensions (finished adding this to all reports and exports)
  • fix – VD-49 Exported team reports should show total talk time in minutes
  • fix – VD-52 Global Managers receive “not authorized” errors when logging in